I had a brief stop over in the city of Trois Rivieres. The reason why I went there was to visit one of my former Couchsurfing guest that I've hosted in Vienna: Katlyn from Quebec. My plan was to visit her sister later in Quebec city and luckily Trois Rivieres was on the way.
About Trois-Rivières
Frankly speakin I can't tell much about Trois-Rivieres, because I spent only one day there and mostly used the time to hang out with Katlyn and her friends. So if you want to know more about this city, check out the Wikipedia article linked in the sidebar to your right :-)

Saint Lawrence Rivers

Catholique Notre-Dame church

Cathédrale de Trois-Rivières

Downtown at night

Cathédrale de Trois-Rivières at night
Revisiting my guest
My former guest in Vienna Katlyn turned into my hostess in Trois-Rivieres. It's always nice to stay in touch when travelling all over the world

Switched roles: Former guest and now hostess Katlyn
The next place I've visted was Quebec-City, where Katlyn's sister lives.