Showing posts that were tagged with kanada.
New stories about Canada!
It's been a while now, but I am happy to present the remaining stories about Canada that were missing for a long time. Read all about the Canadian Rockies, Calgary, my approach with the French Canadian in Quebec and check out several new photo galleries
Was hat sich getan? Was wird sich tun?
Wie man vermuten kann, hat sich in den letzten Tagen einiges getan: Ich hatte Gäste aus Brasilien, Kanada und Deutschland über Couchsurfing. Weiters habe ich eine Werewolf Party veranstaltet, ebenfalls über CS. Schuldig bin ich nun Fotos von Schottland die ich mittlerweile habe und auch schon im Internet aber noch nicht verlinkt. Auch vom Werewolf Abend gibts Fotos. Jetzt gehts übermorgen aber bereits in die Türkei - Das könnte stressig werden noch vorher...
Tofino & Nanaimo
As nearly every Canadian recommeded me to visit Tofino, I did. To get there you have to pass the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Tofino is a small town with only 1600 inhabitants and it's famous for it's beautiful beaches and I guess also for it's sunsets. I was hitchhiking from Victoria with a German as it was really difficult by public transport. On the way back I stopped in Nanaimo.
Victoria is the capital city of British Columbia with a population of about 80.000 people. It's much smaller than Vancouver city, but also somehow charming and relaxed. To get there, I took the bus and the ferry to Vancouver island from Vancouver city. I had a good impression of this lovly city, but to be honest, for "summer", it was very cold. You might discover this matter of fact on some of my pictures :-)
Squamish, a small town with almost 15.000 inhabitants is about an hour to drive in the north of Vancouver city. My host from Vancouver, Marika, invited me to join her and her friends to a festival and a hiking trip. We spent a nice time on a kind of reggae festival surrounded by beautiful mountains and a big calm lake. We stayed in a tent and on the next day, we went on a hiking trip. It took nearly a hole day, but it was great!
Couchsurfing, couchsurfing, couchsurfing, ...
Für all diejenigen die sich Fragen warum sich ab Blog so wenig getan hat: Meist habe ich mich nach der Arbeit mit Leuten aus den verschiedensten Ländern der Erde getroffen und ihnen mein Bild von Wien vermittelt. Dabei hatte ich Brasilien, Russland, Frankreich, Kanada und USA. Unermüdlich ging es mit dem Vienna City Bike, per U-Bahn aber auch zu Fuß auf Wien Erkdundung, wobei man selbst immer etwas lernt. Hier ein paar Fotos meiner letzten Gäste
Dominik in Canadian newspaper!
In the current Canadian newspaper "TheStar" from Toronto, is a picture of me doing couchsurfing and an interview of my host Tim Pass :-) He requested my picture and forwarded it to the newspaper. You can read the article also online, but without the pictures. Anyway, I should receive also the print version. So far - I am famous now in Canada [almost]
Und wieder Kanada :-)
Wie es der Zufall so will, hab ich wieder einen Gast aus Kanada, genauer genommen aus Montreal. Waren gestern ein wenig mit dem CityBike in der Innenstadt unterwegs. Waren danach wieder im Museumsquartier - einer meiner Lieblingsplätze in Wien am Abend zum Relaxen. Auch Andy ist hinzugekommen - Der gute ist im Moment gerade im Flugzeug - Ratet mal wohin... Richtig nach Kanada, genauer gesagt nach Vancouver :-) Ich tippe er wird im Moment gerade über Grönland fliegen.
Vancouver is one of the nicest cities I visited on my trip through Canada. It is Canada's third largest city anyway. I spent plenty much time in Vancouver and the region, as my cs-hostess and her friends organized many parties :-) I actually had two hosts there, because I didn't excpect that I get two postive answers from two requests I wrote. It was really nice to be there!
Vergangenes Wochenende
kurz: Am Freitag ging es raus nach Krems. Hab mich Bernhard B getroffen. Samstag vormittag war ich Laufen und am Nachmittag bin ich gemeinsam mit Bernhard nach Wien gefahren. Maude aus Kanada ist gemeinsam mit uns dann unterwegs gewesen am Segelstrand Tretboot fahren am Abend waren wir in der Stadt unterwegs. Heim gings mit dem Citybike. Sonntag war recht ruhig: Am Segelstrand schwimmen, Karten spielen, Radfahren und später im Museumsquartier ein wenig den Tag ausklingen lassen...
Gäste aus Kanada & Australien
Die vergangen Tage habe ich Tim aus Australien und Isabelle aus Kanada bei mir zu Gast gehabt. Waren am Abend ein wenig in Wien unterwegs. Da Maude noch in der Stadt war, ist sie mit uns unterwegs gewesen. Waren am Mittwochabend im Chelsea und am Donnerstag bei einem Heurigen in Grinzing. Fotos online
Unterwegs in Wien
Am gestrigen Abend war ich nach der Arbeit mit zwei CS-Gästen aus Montreal (Kanada) und Paris (Frankreich) in Wien unterwegs. Leider war und ist das Wetter recht regnerisch, wesswegen nicht gerade viel los war. Waren im Museumsquartier, wo später auch Andy hinzugestoßen ist, und danach im Flex wo wir David und einem Freund von ihm aus Schweden getroffen haben.
Niagara Falls
Not very far from Toronto - just a few hours - you can find the Niagara Falls: Horseshoe Falls and American Falls. Those world-famous falls are in fact not very tall (58 meters), but edge length is long: 792m and 363m. The name "Niagara" pronunciation is said to originate from an Iroquoian word Onguiaahra meaning "Thunder of Waters"
Toronto, the financial capital of Canada - The city center has almost an American look and feel. Most of the big and tall skyscrapers are new and impressive. Watching Toronto's skyline, especially at night is just awesome. People in Canada mentioned, that this city is a boring one - I can't approve that. First of all, I had a cool host (but he is actually from Australia). We discovered the citys night life and we were invited to a pancake party - of course with maple sirup :-)
Montreal, my first stop on my tour through Canada. I flew there directly from Vienna and after eight hours sitting in the plane and six hours in a different time zone I reached my goal: Canada. I started in the "cultural" capital city in the province Quebec, the frensh part of Canada. Montreal itself is almost balanced with english and frensh speaking people, so it's not a problem to not speak frensh. The first day there was like my hole trip: Sunny, hot and beautiful.
Canadian Friendship
On this trip I made so many new friends and I would say thank you to all of them. Like thank you for hosting me, thanks for showing arround, thanks for offering a ride and last but not least thank you for your good company! I supposed to travel alone, but in fact, I never was. So this blog entry is a kind of dedication for all of those new friends I now have. Unfortunately I don't have pictures of all of my new friends - Even within 2.500 pictures :- (
Kino: The Happening
Yesterday night, I went with my host to the movies in Montreal: The happening. I don't know if it's called the same way in German. The thriller was awesome, I like that kind of frighten movies! As was playing in the state of New York, it "happend" pretty close to where I am sitting write now, because the border to the US is just 60km away from here. My rating: 8 out of 10
Quebec City
One of the oldest cities in North America is Quebec city. It was the last but definitely not the least city on my trip through Canada. The city is the only city in North America with an intact old town and stronghold. I've couchsurfed My-Linn and celebrated the 400th years anniversary.
Trois Rivieres
I had a brief stop over in the city of Trois Rivieres. The reason why I went there was to visit one of my former Couchsurfing guest that I've hosted in Vienna: Katlyn from Quebec. My plan was to visit her sister later in Quebec city and luckily Trois Rivieres was on the way.
Ottawa, the capital city of Canada. The city is shared by the provinces of Quebec and Ontario and is English and French speaking. I managed to get there by the first of July to celebrate Canada day together with my CouchSurfing host Deanna and her friends.
Calgary is the capital city of Canadian province Alberta. I spent there only a couple of hours, so I had only a brief visit in this city. Even though I had the possibility to meet a local. Annie drove by with her bicycle when I asked for some directions. She showed me around in the city center and invited me for dinner.
Rocky Mountains & National Parks
I booked a tour starting from Vancouver. To goal was to see most of the great national parks of Canada such as Banff or Jasper national park. It was definitely a great tour. The trip lasted a couple of days. It was pure nature as its best. We had to wash in cold rivers and sleep outside. No electricity, no mobile phones - simply true nature!
Canada: A Mari Usque Ad Mare
From the middle of June until the 7th of July I spent a cool time in one of the biggest countries on earth: Canada. A country full of undisturbed nature, nice and helpful people and big cities. With only 33 million people living there for a country of the size of almost 10.000.000 km2, you can easily explore wildlife. I met so many cool people, discovered so many new things, I experienced adventures - Overall: It was awesome!
Hosting Canadians
Diese Woche hatte ich das Glück, zwei liebe Kanadierinnen hosten zu können hier in Wien. Warum Glück? Ich nutzte gestern Abend die Gelegenheit eine Roadmap aufzusetzen: Montreal (Québec), Toronto (Ontario), Niragara Falls (Ontario), Chicago (USA) ???, Vancoover City (British Columbia), Victoria (British Columbia), Ottowa (Québec), Tras Rivers (Québec), Québec city (Québec). Bin schon sehr gespannt was mich dort alles erwarten wird!!!
Slowakisch Kurs & Gäste
Am Montag gings das letzte Mal in diesem Semester in den Slowakisch Kurs! Haben ein wenig geübt und wiederholt. Danach habe ich meine Gäste aus Kanada empfangen, sie bleiben bis Donnerstag hier. Recht prakatisch finde ich, da ich ja selbst jetzt nach Kanada fliege :-)
Auf der Flucht! On the run! Na úniku!
Hab heute alle Reservierungsbestätigungen bekommen, in den kommenden vier Monaten gehts (neben der Slowakei) auch nach Polen, Griechenland, Spanien, Portugal und vermutlich auch Gibraltar. Außerdem gehts auch nach Tschechien, aber das muss geplant werden. Für den großen und langen Sommerurlaub muss ebenfalls noch geplant werden. Überlegunge einen Drei-Wochen Trip durch die Vereinigten Staaten oder Kanada, aber das ist noch nicht sicher
Susi's Geburtstagsfeier
Zu Mittag gings ab nach Baden zu Susi's Geburtstagsfeier
Miss Wahlen
Es gibt eine neue Miss Univere - Im Jahr 2005 ist sie aus Kanda - Nicht zu verachten ist auch die zur Zeit amtierende Miss Teen (2004)...