As nearly every Canadian recommeded me to visit Tofino, I did. To get there you have to pass the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Tofino is a small town with only 1600 inhabitants and it's famous for it's beautiful beaches and I guess also for it's sunsets. I was hitchhiking from Victoria with a German as it was really difficult by public transport. On the way back I stopped in Nanaimo.
Getting there
It was actually planed to take the bus to get to Tofino. But I didn't even think about, that there are only two busses in the morning. While asking for the next bus, I just missed the last one. So I actually gave up, to go to Tofino and I was still walking around in Victoria.
I was lucky things didn't turn out worse: A green car, catched my eye. To be more specific: A German recreational vihicle, with "KS" on it's license plate. KS are the same inital letters of my former license plate (for "Krems Stadt", where I originally come from - in Germany it's Kassel, I guess).
Suddenly the owner of the car came: Axel. We had a short conversation about his travel, his car and of course of the license plate. But than he said he had to leave, to pick up a girl. He added that he is going to Tofino now...
... of course I joined :-)

The green RV with "KS" on it's license plate

... travelling through Pacific Rim National Park

Jennifer from Taiwan

After five hours of driving
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
Pictures I took in the National Park. I also saw a black bear, but went away before I could take a picture.

Beautiful landscape

Reflecting mountains

Green coastline

Me sitting on the only road to Tofino

Just beautiful
After a while, we arrived in Tofino.

Welcome to Tofino


My flag, my travelmate :-)

Chasing the sun


The day is almost over

The sea is calm

No traffic

Tofino is falling asleep...

The last pub at nightfall
On the next days, I was discovering some beaches of Tofino

Tonquin Park beach

The way to the beach
But be aware...

... Tsunami Hazard Zone

The beaches

I found some shells there :-)
On the way back, I had to wait three hours in the city of Nanaimo. A city with 73.000 inhabitants. So I took my camera and shot some photos. I also was writing a "Hello!" message from the library.

Nanaimo library

Calm city life

Nanaimo habor


The day is almost over
It's a nice place to see and I was impressed.
But you should defiantly rent a car, public transportation is bad. Everything else is really cumbersome. In Tofino I nearly stuck and I couldn't get out: "Stucking in Tofino". But in the end I managed to get back to Victoria, back to Vancouver and continued my trip to the rocky mountains.