Last weekend I had guests from Lyon (France) and Sao Bento do Sul (Brasil): Benoît & Mike. It was fun and hopefully interessting :-) I organized a "small" 30km sightseeing tour in Vienna for the most important sights: Schloss Schönbrunn, Prater, Belvedere, Stephansdom, Parliament, Hofburg, Kärnterstraße and so forth. We were having lunch at Wieden Bräu and café at Frauenhuber.

Mike and Benoît pointing where they are from and live now
Our sightseeing route
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Mike at Schönbrunn

Mike and me in front of Schönbrunn-Castle

What's there!?

Mike in front of Belvedere

Benoît & Mike at Wieden Bräu

Crashing at Staatsoper
There is a fun picture looking like this. A bicycle driver crashing into that column, but I couldn't find the image :-(

Mike at Rathaus

Mike at Stephansdom