On my "NikOnTour" mission to discover each country, which is member of the European Union, I was visiting Romania the last weekend. Again I couchsurfed and again it was great :-) I was guided through Bucuresti and I didn't had to care much. I was even in some small villages and hiking in the mountains. I took tons of pictures.
Getting there
Like on my last trip (to Sofia), I had to get up very early to catch my plane. It was actually still night. But maybe I get used to those times!

Early in the morning at 6:00, Dominik is already on the airport
First of all: Guess the country!

This isn't Austria

This isn't Italy or Greece

This isn't France

This is Romania!
There are many stereotypes poping up, if you think about this country, if you've never been to it. Some of them may be true - like the bad road conditions -, but I have the need to clarify some of the wrong ones: First of all, the prices in Bucuresti are not as cheap as you might think. Going to a bar, or a restaurant, you'll find the same prices like in Vienna (and that's not because of cheating!). At least since Romania joined the European Union, you'll find everything like you'll find in West-Europe.
You will still find wasted buildings...

This house could look very good, if it would be decorated
... or like in Bulgaria "interessting ways" to access cable-TV and phone

Like in Sofia, cables everywhere

Air condition and satellite dishes
..., BUT Bucuresti is one of the cities which highly gets reconstructed. Right now, you'll find many construction sites. You'll also find old historical buildings next to mondern office towers

CEC Palace and an office tower
You'll also find small nice bars and restaurants in narrow streets.

Bars & Restaurants

Some nice old buildings

A henge on a building?

Chaotic traffic - I don't how, but they can manage it :-)

Nice church

Just art

I tried one of their traditional dishes

For German-native speakers: It's interessting what they sell for dinner: Muschi de vita. :-)

Like in most of the post-communism countries, you'll find concrete blocks
I spent quite a long time just by walking around. I also went to Herastrau Park.

Herastrau Park

Where people have time to relax - In the background: Casa Presei Libere
As usual I also took a walk during night time, because many cities look totaly different during this time

Cars rushing by

City lights
In Bucuresti there are many sights, maybe not that famous, but did you know that the largest building in Europe?

Palace of the Parliament - Europe's largest and the world's second largest building (after the Pentagon)

Cismigui Gardens

I.L. Caragiale National Theatre

Cercul Militar National

Revolution Square - "A heart stabed by communism"

Memorial to the unknown soilder
As there was a couchsurfing party, I joind the local one :-)

Couchsurfing party in Bucuresti

Diana, me and Irina
Outside of Bucuresti
My hostess, Irina, took me to different places, outside of Bucuresti, like to a small town called "Cimpina", where I spent to nights

A small house in Cimpina

A cat in Cimpina :-)
We also were hiking in Sinaia...

Hiking in Sinaia
..., but in the late afternoon, fog came in and we had to get back.
Some of Irinas friends came to Cimpina and we were celebrating...

Irinas friends and me celebrating
I had quite a nice time in Romania. Thanks again to my hostess Irina and my tour-guide Diana and her friend Anna in Bucuresti.

Me, Irina, Diana and a Spanish Couchsurfer

Couchsurfing in Bucuresti
It's defintly worth to visit this country. Most of the Romanian people I met, told me to see also the eastern part of Romania, so I propalby will do this as well.
If you are able to use the advantage of couchsurfing, do it, but you can of course stay like a "normal person" in a hotel ;-)
Check out all pictures from Sofia and Plovidiv on my photoblog