About two weeks ago, Iwona, Petra, Stefan an me went to Lignano Sabbiadoro (Italy). On schedule: Spring Break Europe 2008. I went there "directly" from Portugal. Anyway it was a nice weekend, but I was terrible exhausted from traveling (I am getting old :-)). Well the first night was really quite for me *gg*. The next day we enjoyed the sun and the sea. The second night was more active: We went to "Disco Italia" were we also met Tomas.
Just some pictures Stefan took. I didn't take any picture - I promise!!!

Lignano before high season

Our tent

They don't accept drunks?

They don't accept children and grannies?

Well the Aurora Bar was really crouded. Unfortunately there too many men.

Nightlife in Lignano

Night of the living dead

I scream for ice cream!
Impression & Conclusion
It was a nice weekend there, but as I mentioned I was really exhausted or I am too old for that kind of things, I don't know. Anyway it was nice to spent some days in Italy, but most of the people there were (drunk) Austrians...