When I realized in Copenhagen, that Malmö is just 40 minutes away by train, I spontaneously decided also go to Sweden and so I did. The train was crossing the sea by "Oeresundsbron"-bridge, it's the worlds longest combined car/train cable-stayed bridge. Malmö, Swedens 3rd largest city, is a lovely city by the sea. It's very old and historical and nice to visit!
My story
After crossing the sea by Oresund Bridge, I arrived at Malmö central station

Malmö Central Station
Typical for Scandiva, also many buildings in Malmö are bricks-and mortar-built. One of the most famous buildings of Malmö isn't, it's made of steel and glas, the "Turning Torso":

Turning Torso
As Malmö has a very big port, it also has a historical fish-market:

Historical fishmarket
But as many of you know, I don't like fish, so I continued to "Kommen danthuset". There I had some vegetarian fair-trade food, which was pretty good. In this house was a small trading-museum.

Kommen danthuset
Only a few meters away from that, was the castle "Malmöhus"

There was also a museum I visited: A kind of "Sweden of the past" museum.

Malmöhus protected by moat
Like in Amsterdam, there was also a windmill :-)


City library

A house in the city center

How a callbox looks like in Malmö

City hall of Malmö

Houses on the mainsquare

Swedish policecar

Malmös oldest "Kocky house" from 16th century, where the famoust restaurant "Arstiderna" is located in.

A sunset in Malmö
Overall experience
Malmö is a nice place to visit. I think a day is enough for it, if you don't visit any museums. There were some more point of interessets I didn't visit, because they were to far away to walk from city center, so the city has still some secrets ;-)
Photo gallery
See all pictures on my photoblog:
Malmö, 14.03.2008