This is part two of my article about Istanbul. In this part you will find more about the Galata Tower, the Galata brdige, and my experiences in Kadiköy on the Asian part. You will also find pictures about the Grand Bazaar and the Sultans Palace Topkapi. Last but not least, my overall conclution about my stay in Istanbul. This is part 2 of 2
Visiting Friends

Galata tower

When my former guest from Edirne, Özlem, came on Saturday to Istanbul, we had breakfast in a small restaurant outside. We went up the Galata Tower near Taxim. From there, you have a beautiful view over the city center.

Blue mosque from Galata tower

A picture of the Fatih district
After taking some nice shots, we went down to the Galata bridge.

Galata bridge

Some fisherman
Kadiköy (on the Asian part)
Afterwards we headed to the Asian Part, Kadiköy.

Crossing the river

On the way: Kiz kulesi

The ferry we used to cross
We spent a couple of hours in Kadiköy and had tea in a very nice confectionery. The weather changed on that day very often: Sunny, rainy, thunderstorm and again sun.

A train station

Selling Simit

Selling Shishas

Smoking Shisha :-)

Again a spy-cat!?

Later on
Late afternoon, Özlem and I met again with Esra in a "chocolate house", which was a bit hidden, but still close to Taxim.

Hot chocolate with a chocolate spoon :-)

Esra and her sister Ela
I had hot chocolate with banana flavor. It was really delicious. Even the spoon was made out of chocolate! After a while, Özlem had to go home to Edirne. It didn't take long, because Esra's sister Ela came to the chocolate house.
I always try to eat something traditional when I travel, and I did this successfully in Turkey. Esra and Ela showed me a place which is famous for its "Dürüm". It was good, but it was a "bit" spicy :-)

Esra and Ela eating Dürüm

... and I also tried! Watch my face :-)
After having something to eat, we went to a bar. We drank "Raki" with water. It's also called the "Lions Milk".
I bought a bottle of "Rakisi" in one of the stores close by Esra's flat and we continued having fun at her place...

Me drinking Raki
On Sunday I decided to go to Edirne (See article)
My last day

Eyüp Mezarligi
On Monday, the last day in Turkey, Esra and I went to a cemetery called Eyüp Mezarligi. We had breakfast there. Sound strange? Well it wasn't, because it's also a kind of a park. From the top of the mountain, you really have a good view. There is even a cable car to the top.

Cable car!

Esra and me having breakfast!
By the way: We had breakfast at 1pm. :-)
Esra had to go to an important appointment, so I had to walk around alone that afternoon. I decided to visit the Sultans Palace Topkapi-Palace. I spent almost two hours in that area.

Gatekeeper close to the palace

I must say, the Sultan knows how to live a good life. He had a couple of women and even a bed for up to six persons. But from another viewpoint, he could have had a stressful life… Handling all those women? Sometimes even one woman can be hard enough to handle! :-p

The bed of the sultans suits more than two people :-)

Nice viewpoint!

Ying&Yang in the palace area :-)
After the Sultans Palace, I went to the "Great Bazaar". It was amazing and I even managed to get myself lost. (But don't worry, I found my way back) :-)

Grand Bazaar Entrance

Inside the Grand Bazaar

A shop selling lamps
I strolled about this area, took some more pictures of course, and then headed back to Esra.

Whatever this is, at least I knew I am in Turkey :-)

A tower?

Another mosque

Sun began to set down

I headed back to the spice bazaar.

Narrow streets...

From the Galata Bridge

Watching the sunset

... and then taking a "taksi" back to Esra's place
Esra and her sister Esla cooked a typical Turkish dinner and invited Eshra and a mutual friend of theirs from Australia (sorry dude for not remembering your name!).

Esra and Ela prepaired food!

A bottle of Raki
We drank the Rakai and got "tipsy", but just a bit :-)

But I had to go... Go back to the airport. I was a bit worried, because I had to leave and catch my flight at 4:40 in the morning back home to Bratislava/Vienna....

Hospitable, cute, smart - My hostess Esra
It was really a very cool trip and I definitely enjoyed it. My conclusion this time is short: I am going to Istanbul again this September :-)
Part 1
Napoléon Bonaparte once said: "If the whole world was a state, Istanbul would be the capital of it". Well he actually used Constantinople istead of Istanbul :-) So I actually had to visit the capitol of the world and I really liked it! I took about 900 pictures, but don't worry, I already selected the best ones. I couchsurfed again and I had a very nice hostess: Esra. She made my stay even better.
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