Berlin is one of the most interesting cities in Germany. This is one of the reasons why I visited the capital city of Germany already for third time. Why I like this city so much? It's the atmosphere and the people, the history and the present. Take a closer look to my videos and pictures to get to know and understand this huge city a little bit better.
Video of our sightseeing trip
In the video: Berliner Dom, Hauptbahnhof, Kanzleramt, Schloss Bellevue, Alexanderplatz, Rotes Rathaus, Berliner Mauer, Eastside Gallery, Gendarmenmarkt.
Berlin insights
For our five day city trip in Berlin, we took the Berlin Card pass. You'll get a small book with information about Berlin and many discounts for several museums and sights. My last trip to Berlin was only three years ago, but still I haven't seen everything.

In the following section, you'll find some pictures during our five days trip in Berlin. It was pretty nice. If you want to see more pictures, check out the photo gallery link at end of the artlicle
At Potsdamerplatz
Diveded by the Berlin wall, the area around Potsdamerplatz is a newly created neighbourhood.

Jewing gum on Berlin wall

Brandenburgertor & Holocaust Memorial
The Brandenburger gate was a former city gate, rebuilt in the late 18th century as a neoclassical triumphal arch

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe is a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, designed by architect Peter Eisenman and engineer Buro Happold.

Reichstag & Kanzeramt
The seat of the German parliament and the Kanzleramt. The Kanzleramt is the seat of the German prime minister / chancellor's Angela Merkel.

On the island of the museums are all five internationally significant museums located.

At Hauptbahnhof
The newly built main train station of Berlin. The pride of the Deutsche Bahn.

Tiergarten and Siegesäule

Schloss Belevue
Seat of the President of Germany

East Berlin, East Side Gallery, Oberbaumbrücke
Close to U1 Warschauerstraße, you'll find the world famous East Side Gallery. These are paintings that were made after the communistic system collapsed. The Berlin wall divided Berlin from 1961 until November 1989.


Berliner Dom
The imposing cathedral of Berlin: Berliner Dom

Alexanderplatz and Fernsehturm
The TV-tower (Fernsehturm) was builded by the GDR, the former communistic East Germany. It supposed to impress West-Germany with technological advantage.

Berliner Unterwelt
Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside the bunkers of the second world war, nevertheless, if you manage to get to Berlin, dig into the underground life of this town.

Checkpoint Charlie
Famous checkpoint to get to the American sector of West-Germany

Random shots in the city

Spree river cruise
This rather long video was taken on a river cruise on the Spree river. In this video you'll see several sights, but take your time :-)

Berlin is a huge and impressive city. The culture, the sights and the history are simply breathtaking. We stayed two nights with couchsurfing in the west part of Berlin and three nights in a hostel in the former east part. You may consider to do something similar to get 100% Berlin feeling.
By the way: I highly recommend to rent a bike, doing Berlin by foot, your feet will hurt terrible. I know what I am talking about ;-)
Photo galleries
See also